Oracle Weblogic & OHS CPU Patching + Java Upgrade

We generally apply the Weblogic and Oracle HTTP Server(OHS) patches on a quarterly basis to our servers to keep them up to date and vulnerability free. Along with Weblogic and OHS Patches, we also upgrade our JAVA to keep them in compliance.

Now, we will understand in step-by-step manner how to download the Patches for Weblogic, OHS & Java, and get them applied to the respective infrastructure servers.

Weblogic CPU Patches

Step 1: Kindly go to the Critical Patch Update (CPU) Patch Advisor Document for Oracle Fusion Middleware. Below is the Document ID:

Critical Patch Update (CPU) Patch Advisor for Oracle Fusion Middleware – Updated for April 2024 (Doc ID 2806740.2)

Step 2: Inside the Document, you will find Patches for Fusion Middleware Products. Select Oracle Weblogic Server from the menu and then select the respective version for which Patches need to be applied.

For example and demo, we have selected version Below is the snapshot attached.

Step 3: Download the Stack Patch Bundle (SPB) as per below snapshot and you can also see the required comments as well mentioned for the Patch.

Step 4: Make Sure you have taken backups of Middleware and Domain Homes. Once Backups done, kindly bring down all the required services as we will running the Patch commands now.

Step 5: Once you have Staged/placed the Patch over the server, kindly unzip it and run below commands to apply it to the respective ORACLE_HOME

If you have any concern regarding the ORACLE_HOME, MW_HOME then you can follow below article:

cd  $Patch_Download_Directory/tools/spbat/generic/SPBAT

./ -phase precheck -oracle_home /your/oracle/home/directory
./ -phase apply -oracle_home /your/oracle/home/directory

For Java Upgrade, In the same document you can select/download the latest Java patch as well. Below is the snapshot:

You can simply do the unzip or extract using the TAR command and place the lasted Java to the previously installed location.

Thats it. Now you can bring up your Weblogic services

OHS CPU Patches

Step 1: Kindly go to the Critical Patch Update (CPU) Patch Advisor Document for Oracle Fusion Middleware (Doc ID 2806740.2)

Step 2: Select the Product as Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) from the menu and then select the required version as per your environment.

For example and demo, we have selected version Oracle HTTP Server Standalone (w/ Database Client 19c)

Step 3: Download the required Patches as per the version:

Step 4: Once you stage the Patches on servers, kindly bring down the required services. Now, you can apply the Patches one by one by using Opatch Utility by running below command:

./opatch apply

Thats it. Now you can bring up your OHS services.

Hope it helps. Cheers!!!

About the author

Mohit Chaudhary

Hey there, I am IT enthusiast who is passionate about Middleware, DevOps, Cloud and much more.

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