Weblogic Generic vs Developer Distribution – What is the Difference?


In this Blog, we will learn about the 2 core Weblogic Distribution in detail. Let’s start with the fundamentals.

Oracle WebLogic Distribution is the software package that includes the WebLogic Server application server and associated tools and utilities. It is available for download from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) website and is licensed under the Oracle Technology Network License Agreement.

The phrase “Weblogic distribution” can refer to either the Oracle Weblogic Installer (WL installer) or the executable installation files themselves.

Below are the two distributions available for downloading Oracle WebLogic Server:

  • ORACLE WEBLOGIC Generic Distribution
  • ORACLE WEBLOGIC Developer Distribution

What is Generic Distribution

The Oracle WebLogic Generic Distribution is another distribution of the Oracle WebLogic Server that provides a more customizable and flexible installation experience than the Developer Distribution.

The Generic Distribution includes all the core features and components of the WebLogic Server, but unlike other distributions, it does not include a preconfigured domain or any default settings. Instead, it allows administrators to create a custom installation with only the components they require and configure them according to their specific needs.

The Generic Distribution is particularly useful for enterprises with complex or specific requirements, such as those that need to integrate with a variety of third-party tools or systems. It also allows for greater flexibility in terms of scalability and performance optimization, as administrators can customize the installation to meet the specific demands of their application and infrastructure.

The ZIP file that has been downloaded for Generic Distribution includes a JAR file with the name “fmw_12.”. To find the installation instructions for the Generic Distribution, please refer to this link. Alternatively, you can download the Generic Installer either directly from the Oracle Website or from this location.

Overall, the Oracle WebLogic Generic Distribution is a powerful and versatile platform that offers administrators a high degree of control and customization over their WebLogic Server installation.

What is Developer Distribution

The Oracle WebLogic Developer Distribution is a specific distribution of the Oracle WebLogic Server that is tailored towards developers who are building Java EE applications. It is designed to provide developers with an easy-to-use and lightweight environment for developing, testing, and debugging Java EE applications.

The Oracle WebLogic Developer Distribution includes all the core features of the WebLogic Server, but with some additional features and tools that are specifically aimed at developers. For example, it includes a simplified installation process, pre-configured development profiles, and support for popular IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) such as Eclipse and NetBeans.

The distribution also includes a number of developer-focused tools and utilities, such as a lightweight web server for testing and debugging applications, support for dynamic reloading of applications, and integrated support for popular build tools such as Maven and Ant.

You can download the Developer Installer directly from here

Overall, the Oracle WebLogic Developer Distribution is an ideal platform for developers who need a lightweight, easy-to-use environment for building and testing Java EE applications.

Hope it helps. Cheers!!!

About the author

Mohit Chaudhary

Hey there, I am IT enthusiast who is passionate about Middleware, DevOps, Cloud and much more.

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